Half year review

Hi All. I hope that you have all had a good week. How did you find my blog post from last week? Did you find the information about dealing with challenges to be useful? Did you find it helped? Let me know as it would be good to know. Plus if you want any more advice around that area please let me know.

I thought this week that instead of doing a normal weekly post, I would do a half year catch up post.

Can you believe it has been six months that I have been doing this blog? Simply amazing! Thank you to see so many of you who have joined and followed me along the journey and I hope that my posts have helped you in some way. And if you know of someone who may benefit from the posts, please share ๐Ÿ˜Š

I thought that it may be nice to do a half year review, not only on myself and my fitness progress and personal journey, but also on the blog posts which I have done, to explore things which have been discussed and to potentially look at what could be explored or discussed in future blogs.

Having a half year review in your personal fitness and wellbeing journey is also a good way to see what has gone well, what could be improved, and how to plan for the next chapter. Included in the review is also a ‘like’ calculator, where I have looked at the amount of likes per blog to get an idea of what was liked to give me an idea what people may want more of in future articles.

That said, here we go ๐Ÿ˜Š

The way I will look at the blogs is: what was discussed and what was learnt. Of importance is also how much traction did the blogs have, and which blogs resonated more with you, the reader?

Incidentally, I wrote four blogs before the first one in January of this year (2019), but as we are looking from the start of this year, I will look at the blogs from then. If you would like to read my earlier blogs, they are available to view on my page.

That said, let us start with the review starting at the beginning of this year.


Date published and number: 28/01/2019. No. 1
Title: Taking new steps
Link: https://fitfornearly40.wordpress.com/2019/01/28/taking-new-steps/
Likes: 2
What was discussed: Looked at the what I want to achieve in 2019 in terms of weight loss and health. Proposed idea of exploring calorie deficit. Looked at establishing a rough exercise training plan.
What was learnt: Learnt about calorie deficits and calorie surpluses. Recognised what I want to achieve and how I may be able to get there. Acknowledged some weaknesses I have (food).
Date published and number: 01/02/2019. No. 2
Title: I love it when a plan comes together (just about)
Link: https://fitfornearly40.wordpress.com/2019/02/01/i-love-it-when-a-plan-comes-together-just-about/
Likes: 3
What was discussed: Setting SMART goals using the fictional TV show the A-Team as inspiration.
What was learnt: The importance of setting SMART goals and how I could apply it diet planning, in particular weight loss using the idea of calorie deficits.
Date published and number: 08/02/2019. No. 3
Title: Eating healthily in a busy work environment
Link: https://fitfornearly40.wordpress.com/2019/02/08/eating-healthily-in-a-busy-work-environment/
Likes: 7
What was discussed: The challenges of eating healthily in a busy work environment and how to avoid the temptation of unhealthy snacking.
What was learnt: Meal planning is important. It saves time and money, but it also important as you have healthy meals prepared for when you need them.
Date published and number: 15/02/2019. No. 4
Title: Time to embrace your flabs (and it’s not what you think)
Link: https://fitfornearly40.wordpress.com/2019/02/15/time-to-embrace-your-flabs-and-its-not-what-you-think/
Likes: 1
What was discussed: Acknowledged that I eat out of emotion. Explored the idea of FLABS, which is eating when you are frustrated, lonely, angry/anxious, bored, and stressed.
What was learnt: By acknowledging that I have an emotional relationship to food, it helped me view my eating objectively, and to look at ways of addressing an emotional ill by talking to someone instead of eating.
Date published and number: 22/02/2019. No. 5
Title: Finding balance
Link: https://fitfornearly40.wordpress.com/2019/02/22/finding-balance/
Likes: 0
What was discussed: Acknowledged that we are human and that whilst it is important to keep to a structured training and eating programme, it is also important to relax every now and again.
What was learnt: That is important for personal morale to have the occasional treat and to have the occasional catch up with friends over a glass of wine.
Date published and number: 01/03/2019. No. 6
Title: Can you smell what The Rock is cooking? Answer: it’s success (and a lot of hard work)
Link: https://fitfornearly40.wordpress.com/2019/03/01/can-you-smell-what-the-rock-is-cooking-answer-its-success-and-a-lot-of-hard-work/
Likes: 1
What was discussed: Dwayne ‘The Rock’ Johnson and how he is a motivational success story. Acknowledging that success takes a lot of hard work and learning. Reflected on past blogs.
What was learnt: That success takes hard work and learning. How to succeed using SMART goal setting.
Date published and number: 08/03/2019. No. 7
Title: Flipping tyres and changing routines
Link: https://fitfornearly40.wordpress.com/2019/03/08/flipping-tyres-and-routines/
Likes: 9
What was discussed: That is important to change up exercise routines to avoid boredom and to stay motivated.
What was learnt: The health benefits (and fun) from flipping tyres, and that it is important to change exercises and exercise routines every few weeks.
Date published and number: 15/03/2019. No. 8
Title: Fitness and illness: when to rest
Link: https://fitfornearly40.wordpress.com/2019/03/15/fitness-and-illness-when-to-rest/
Likes: 5
What was discussed: That it is important to listen to your body when you are ill and knowing when to take rest.
What was learnt: When not to exercise and how to support your body and your immune system in order to make a full recovery.
Date published and number: 22/03/2019. No. 9
Title: How to stay healthy when you can’t exercise
Link: https://fitfornearly40.wordpress.com/2019/03/22/how-to-stay-healthy-when-you-cant-exercise/
Likes: 2
What was discussed: It was discussed how a person can be healthy when they are not able to exercise due to illness or injury.
What was learnt: A few good suggestions. If unable to exercise, keep an eye on the calorie intake, not to become obsessed with weighing yourself, avoid emotional eating, rewarding your achievements with things which are not food.
Date published and number: 29/03/2019. No. 10
Title: March evaluation.
Link: https://fitfornearly40.wordpress.com/2019/03/29/march-evaluation/
Likes: 6
What was discussed: This was a month end evaluation. What was looked at was current fitness achievements to fitness goals, and whether it is safe to lose weight quickly.
What was learnt: A more measured and safe approach toward slow and steady weight loss was explored and discussed.
Date published and number: 05/04/2019. No. 11
Title: Reflection: enjoy the little moments
Link: https://fitfornearly40.wordpress.com/2019/04/05/reflection-enjoy-the-little-moments/
Likes: 6
What was discussed: This was a short reflection piece. What was discussed was to be mindful when exercising and enjoying life around that.
What was learnt: That it is important and necessary to find balance outside of exercise and diet.
Date published and number: 12/04/2019. No. 12
Title: Food: eating for wellbeing
Link: https://fitfornearly40.wordpress.com/2019/04/12/food-eating-for-wellbeing/
Likes: 15
What was discussed: Eating for different reasons was discussed: for a healthy gut, to support the bodyโ€™s immune system, for recovery.
What was learnt: A lot of very useful things were learnt around eating for different functions and health benefits.
Date published and number: 19/04/2019. No. 13
Title: Adapting to the unexpected
Link: https://fitfornearly40.wordpress.com/2019/04/19/adapting-to-the-unexpected/
Likes: 6
What was discussed: What to do when you are unexpectedly injured or taken ill and what effect this happens on your fitness goals.
What was learnt: Faced with life changes, plan ahead if you can, take responsibility for making personal changes, and seek help from friends and family if you find it overwhelming: remember, you are not alone.
Date published and number: 26/04/2019. No. 14
Title: It is ok to ask if you need a bit of help
Link: https://fitfornearly40.wordpress.com/2019/04/26/if-you-dont-know-ask/
Likes: 1
What was discussed: This is a reflection piece. It looks at that it is ok to ask for help and how to look after your mental health.
What was learnt: That it is ok to ask for help at times and how to get help should you need it.
Date published and number: 03/05/2019. No. 15
Title: Overcoming challenges and promoting others – and April review
Link: https://fitfornearly40.wordpress.com/2019/05/03/promoting-others/
Likes: 2
What was discussed: This was a reflection piece which looked at how to work around challenges and setbacks in life. It also looked at promoting others.
What was learnt: How promoting others may help to promote yourself and help to improve the moral and productivity of others.
Date published and number: 10/05/2019. No. 16
Title: The benefits of morning walks (and recommended motivational podcasts)
Link: https://fitfornearly40.wordpress.com/2019/05/10/the-benefits-of-morning-walks-and-recommended-podcasts/
Likes: 0
What was discussed: The benefits of morning walks and the mental benefits of listening to motivational podcasts.
What was learnt: The physical benefits of morning walks was discussed as well as how motivational podcasts have a positive effect on personal wellbeing.
Date published and number: 14/05/2019. No. 17
Title: Body image and learning to love yourself
Link: https://fitfornearly40.wordpress.com/2019/05/14/learn-to-love-the-beautiful-body-you-are-blessed-with/
Likes: 3
What was discussed: Mental Health Awareness Week was discussed (13/05 โ€“ 19/05) and body image and mental health was explored.
What was learnt: That social media companies need to play a role toward portraying and promoting body kindness, and how people can be more aware of how to take better care of themselves and their perceptions around body image.
Date published and number: 24/05/2019. No. 18
Title: Women and weight lifting: separating the facts from the myths
Link: https://fitfornearly40.wordpress.com/2019/05/24/women-and-weight-lifting-separating-the-facts-from-the-myths/
Likes: 14
What was discussed: The facts and myths were explored around women and weight lifting.
What was learnt: Myths were dispelled and facts were explored, for example, lifting weights wonโ€™t make a woman hugely muscular and man-like. Lifting weights will help to lose weight, create lean muscle and strengthen bones.
Date published and number: 31/05/2019. No. 19
Title: Turning disadvantages into advantages
Link: https://fitfornearly40.wordpress.com/2019/05/31/now-that-you-are-here-where-do-you-go/
Likes: 7
What was discussed: Setting future goals and using SMART goal setting was looked at when overcoming challenges and obstacles.
What was learnt: How to set new goals when faced with challenges toward setting older fitness goals.
Date published and number: 07/06/2019. No. 20
Title: About Love Island
Link: https://fitfornearly40.wordpress.com/2019/06/07/about-love-island/
Likes: 0
What was discussed: Mental health, body image and body dysmorphia was explored. The fitness culture made famous by social media was also critically explored.
What was learnt: More work needs to be done to support people around their body image and about educating them about the realities of this culture. Entertainment industries who create shows such as Love Island also need to take more responsibility for the impression that the show may have on young and impressionable people.
Date published and number: 14/06/2019. No. 21
Title: Running advice โ€“ and May evaluation
Link: https://fitfornearly40.wordpress.com/2019/06/14/may-evaluation/
Likes: 4
What was discussed: This was an end of month evaluation which also looked at what to eat when training for a half marathon and how to choose the best trainers for training.
What was learnt: Good suggestions around foods to eat when training for a half marathon and how to choose the most appropriate running trainers.
Date published and number: 21/06/2019. No. 22
Title: The secret to happiness
Link: https://fitfornearly40.wordpress.com/2019/06/21/the-secret-to-happiness/
Likes: 1
What was discussed: How to be happy and that it is ok to not be happy.
What was learnt: Being happy and bringing happiness into our lives is something which we can all do by showing compassion, being grateful, through listening and by offering warmth and friendliness.
Date published and number: 28/06/2019. No. 23
Title: Question: How do you deal with a challenging situation? Answer: Be nice.
Link: https://fitfornearly40.wordpress.com/2019/06/28/be-nice/
Likes: 1
What was discussed: How to approach and manage challenges in life while keeping your cool.
What was learnt: Three simple rules could help you with approaching and managing life challenges and challenging people in our lives: never underestimate your opponent, never start something unless it is absolutely necessary, and be nice.


Wow! 23 blog posts in which so much was discussed and explored. Really proud of this body of work and also happy with seeing how some of them were recieved. Looking at the past articles also gave me a great opportunity to look at the blog posts which generated the highest number of attention, and gave me a good idea what gains traction with my reading base.

The top 3 blog posts looked to be:

Title: Food: eating for wellbeing Link: https://fitfornearly40.wordpress.com/2019/04/12/food-eating-for-wellbeing/
Likes: 15
Title: Women and weight lifting: separating the facts from the myths
Link: https://fitfornearly40.wordpress.com/2019/05/24/women-and-weight-lifting-separating-the-facts-from-the-myths/
Likes: 14
Title: Flipping tyres and changing routines
Link: https://fitfornearly40.wordpress.com/2019/03/08/flipping-tyres-and-routines/
Likes: 9


From looking at what have been the blog posts which have garnered some of the most traction, I have created a survey of 3 short questions. If you could have a look at the survey (takes less than 2 minutes) I would really appreciate it and it would give me really goof feedback about what you liked and how I can adapt and think of future posts which may be more aligned to the interests of you, the reader:



Also, a quick recap on tracking fitness goals as this also acts as an end of June review:

Month Waist and weight Difference between last month
28/01/18 I weighed 102.3kg, with a waist of 110cm.
28/02/18 I weighed in as 98.2kg, with a waist of 106cm 4.1kg drop and 4cm reduction in waist
29/03/19 Weigh at 96.8kg with a waist of 104cm 1.4kg drop and a 2cm reduction in waist.
30/04/19 Weight at 95.2kg with a waist of  102cm Reduction from the month prior of 1.6kg and 2cm reduction of the waist.
31/05/19 Weight at 97.2kg with a waist of 104cm Weight increase of 2kg and a waist increase of 2cm.
03/07/19 Weight at 96.3kg with a waist of 103cm Weight decrease of 0.9kg and a waist decrease of 1cm.


In summary, thank you for coming along with me on this fitness blog journey. We are half way through the year and I have learnt so much from you, the reader, about which blogs you have liked, and which ones have really gained traction with you. Your feedback for the 2 minute survey would be great and would really help me with designing future blog posts. 

Remember: it’s a journey. It will take time. Have patience in the process. You will get there. Until then, stay happy, stay healthy, and have a lovely weekend wherever you are on the planet.

And remember: love yourself. 

Bonus news: have some exciting online developments in the pipeline. Have my good friend Mike helping me with the tech side of things. He is a pretty brainy guy when it comes to tech. Also fantastic company over a pint. Watch this space folks ๐Ÿ˜‰



A bit about the author:

I am a guy who is (nearly) 40, who is sharing a journey of weight management and wellbeing.I am also a mental health professional with a wealth of years of experience in supporting individuals who have challenging mental illnesses and personality disorders.

Prior to my current professional role, I spent several years supporting members of the community as a fitness professional, assisting individuals with weight loss and health improvement programmes.

I completed a PGDip in Mental Health Nursing in 2013, and an MSc in Advanced Practice in 2016 in which I looked at improving nursesโ€™ level of engagement with patients with challenging personality disorders.

In 2018 I successfully undertook a Clinical reasoning in Physical Assessments course with the view to start studying toward becoming an Advanced Nurse Practitioner in late 2019.

In 2015 I also undertook a Mentorship for practice (BSc Hons) course and have been supporting future nurses with their training and development. I have also recently supported a Healthcare Assistant Staff toward training in and successfully passing and achieving a Foundation Degree in Mental Health Nursing.

In my current role I am a person looking to support the physical and mental health and wellbeing of the individual. As part of my role within the health services in supporting individuals with mental health care needs, I am also currently looking to develop myself as a Wellness Coach, to support the individual with weekly wellness blogs, with the view to support individuals on a 1:1 basis as well as holding motivational lectures and seminars.